Violence Against Women 2009

Violence Against Women 2009

November 1, 2009

VAW has a serious impact not only on those who experience it, but on the country's social and economic situation as well. To address the serious toll that DV is taking on Cambodia, the RGC has made reducing DV a priority. In particular, the RGC is focused on addressing the CMDG 3, which aims to "promote gender equality and empower women" and overall target 8 within this goal, which is to "reduce significantly all forms of VAW and children." This final report contributes evidence in support of the RGCs strategy to reduce DV.

The EWMI, UNIFEM and the GTZ PWR project, in co-operation with the MoWA, initiated a baseline study in 2005 to gather a broad spectrum of data to help assess the situation and formulate effective solutions. The final study report contains the analysis of the findings of the 2009 follow-up.